Sunday, October 19, 2008

Better than ever,

I haven't been on in a while, but just to update you on how my life has been lately it has been amazing. Im finally ungrounded and I can be with my friends again they're what makes me happy and I love each and everyone of them with all of my heart :)

That's about it so far.

if you would like to talk to me more add me on my myspace account.

1 comment:

Radagast said...

I knew you'd be OK!

Listen, I've a small favour to ask, or an offer to make (I'm still not sure which it is!). Email me (address on my Blogger profile), if you're interested. Don't worry, there's no money involved, just a bit of your time, if you fancy it.


PS You never did put the Arte y Pico on your sidebar!